February 02nd, 2018

Reunión del Comité Ejecutivo W&DW – Buenos Aires – Video

Writers and Directors Worldwide ExCo meeting was celebrated last 25th and 26th of January in Buenos Aires, hosted by DAC – Directors Argentina.

W&DW ExCo was able to discuss and plan about next steps and objectives for this 2018 as has announced a support program for new authors’ societies.

This initiative represents a major step forward for Writers & Directors Worldwide. While in the past it has successfully brought its influence and expertise to the global discussion on authors’ remuneration.

This Council also shared news about the strengthening of its global partnership strategy, looking forward to the next International W&DW Congress Edition which will be held during April in Algiers.

We are very proud to have received all our colleagues from the W & DW Executive Committee here in Buenos Aires. We have had the possibility of putting together a work program that we are going to execute in the next 2 years and continue our work with the alliances that we have managed to establish in recent years. A work that leads to the creation of new copyright management societies around the world, which is leading us ever more to join together, to make societies more open and to meet in all parts of the world where we meet.

Horacio Maldonado, Film Director – Screenwriter (Argentina), W&DW President

New year, new projects. But it is also important to highlight what began in 2017 in Africa with the creation of APASER and also in the Asia Pacific management. This year as vice president of W & DW and with a new executive committee we will continue to expand W & DW, strengthening its presence in all continents. It is a huge project! We have a new president, which allows us to change a bit of customs and work differently, with missions. My mission will be to work with alliances.

Yves Nilly, Screenwriter (France), W&DW Vice President

W&DW, together with CISAC, has decided to expand the space of author’s rights in the world by 2018.
The action already started in Latin America supporting the new CMOs that represent the creators, AV directors and writers but also with the Pan – African society of creators trying to generate new CMOs in the African continent and also in India.
Based on how successful this has been, that 5 years ago it seemed absurd, there are no tasks that do not sound unattainable.

Marcelo Piñeyro, Film Director – Screenwriter (Argentina), CISAC Vice President

W&DW will work hard to achieve fair remuneration for the authors. We will help colleagues from Africa and Australia. We will focus on the AV author and his author’s rights.
Danilo Serbedzija, Film Director – Screenwriter (Croatia), W&DW ExCo Member
Continue working on the Latin American project, deepening it in Brazil, Panama. Also work in India and in Africa.
That the growth that the audiovisual is having in the world is also seen from within the CISAC and that the AV author begins to have a place of more prominence and weight within the organization.

Miguel Ángel Diani, Screenwriter – Playwright (Argentina), W&DW ExCo Member

Although the objectives have not changed much, they are more consistent in the places where we have to record our effects. And the strongest effect I think should be aimed at the African region. Also the authors in Australia need the support of the international societies of authors and the same in Asia.
Let’s not forget the situation in Central and Eastern Europe, where new laws are being implemented, which means that some societies will have to change their way of working and may need international support.
The Latin American region gave life to very brave, active societies and the authors seem to be very happy with the results. They are a great example of how work should be done in the other regions.

Malgorzata Semil, Theatre Critic – Translator (Poland), W&DW ExCo Member

The challenge for 2018 is to maintain the immense revolution of the global audiovisual market.
The position of the authors is still very marginal. They must be the protagonists in this challenge because they must defend their rights.
Our function as a committee of W & DW is to position them as protagonists of this great revolution. Audiovisual media is becoming one of the largest businesses in the world and of all times.

Andrea Purgatori, Author – Screenwriter (Italy), W&DW ExCo Member

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