The International Creators Congress of the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers, CISAC – WRITERS & DIRECTORS WORLDWIDE.
The meeting, which was held in China for the first time, was attended by representatives of entities from all around the world. Over the course of the meeting, Horacio Maldonado, an Argentine film director and current Secretary-General of DAC, was unanimously appointed Vice-President of the International Council of creators of WRITERS & DIRECTORS WORLDWIDE.
The well-known French screenwriter Yves Nilly, who represents the French society SACD, was re-elected as President.
Members and Societies part of the International Executive Committee of Writers & Directors Worldwide:
Miguel Ángel Diani (ARGENTORES, Argentina),
The whole delegation was met by the Chinese agencies dedicated to intellectual property. Agreements were signed with WDW to foster the creation of new societies dealing with the management of the audio-visual authors’ rights, with the absolute commitment that these rights would be defended in all of the People’s Republic of China.
The importance of this appointment at a global level is worth highlighting, both for Argentina and for the creators of the whole region, due to the fact that in the 90 years of CISAC’s history, no Latin-American has ever been appointed the Vice-President of the International Council. For DAC, Directores Argentinos Cinematográficos (Argentine Film Directors), represents the major international recognition that its efficient management of the Director’s Rights as Authors of the audio-visual work receives.
A new success for all the directors that are a part of DAC with their productions.
Please visit www.directoresav.org.ar